Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Without hurting the deer, how to keep them out of a garden?

For those with experience at keeping deer out of your garden, without hurting them or building a 20 ft. high fence, what remedies have you found that work at keeping them out?

Without hurting the deer, how to keep them out of a garden?
Deer are usually afraid of movement. You might try putting up some wind chimes or whirligigs. There are also some devices available that emit a sound that they can hear but humans can't that will keep them away. Try some of the on line outfitters ( ) or the like to find something. You might also ask your local cooperative extension agent or humane shelter for some ideas.
Reply:If they are hungry enough nothing will keep the vermin away. However, a lot of things will make them think twice. Among them: Wind chimes or other noise makers, a dog, and my favorite urine (human or otherwise).
Reply:Safe and inexpensive........

Sprinkle baby powder on you plants. When the deer munch on your garden this will dry their mouths, after a few visits they will seek other munch ables. This also keeps rabbits away. Also you could try spreading some moth balls around in the garden. If you have pets or kids, put them inside the shrubs or under the mulch. Human hair will work until the scent dissipates.
Reply:Next time you get a hair cut keep it an place it around the garden deer wont go where humans are
Reply:humun hair

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