Monday, February 13, 2012

How do i get rid of moles in my garden?

We just moved into a house and our yard is infested with garden moles!

How do i get rid of moles in my garden?
I like using Castor oil granules. Moles hate the smell, so they move into your neighbors yards.
Reply:One way Ive heard or Read about is to carefully remove the dirt fro the mound, when you finally get to the actual hole/burrow, you can pour ammonia in it and replug the hole w dirt or better just lay something over the hole like turn a tin or plastic can up-side down over the opening. this way you can add more if needed and the ammonia will be good for your roots in the garden. I'm guessing here but a mixture that's too strong for humans is most likely 100 times too much for gophers/moles as their nose is more sensitive. A window cleaner with ammonia in solution may be adequate. You might need to put some on Cotton balls and drop in the hole. The local farm store will have prescription peanuts for moles/gophers and I have used this and have had success. If you cant get the ammonia to work the peanuts sure will. Assuming the doo-gooders haven't cut off gardeners from buying the poison peanuts in small quantities.
Reply:Moles are after the bugs in your soil, not the grass or plant roots. They can also be present from a nearby field or neighbor's yard in search of bugs. You might not be infested even if you are seeing a heck of a lot tunnels thru your yard. One mole can reek havoc in your yard overnight that makes it look like WW-III in the morning. The repellents and sound stuff they sell is a useless. The best way is the spear traps. Spring loaded traps that you set on a run (tunnel) that goes off when the mole runs thru. The problem is that moles rarely use the same tunnel twice. Except the main run. That's what you need to find. Thats why you will need four to five of these traps. Once you have the traps, go out in the morning and look for some fresh tunnels. Once you locate a few, gentley press your foot down on them in one spot. Check those spots later that day or the next morning and see which have been raised back up. Once determined, again press down those spots and now set your traps over them. It might take a few trys but you will get them. You will also need to treat your lawn for grubs and other insects. Be careful if you have kids or animals. We have moles from time to time, but not a bug problem. Sometimes they just show up as uninvited company. Good luck.
Reply:remove thier food source. They eat grubs, you need t kill the grubs and that is the ONLY way to get rid of them. A maginal attack is the spring loaded fork, but you need to find a run to place the trap.
Reply:Mole %26amp; Gopher Repellant spikes. Read about them on

dress shoes

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