Monday, February 13, 2012

Why does my dog like to poop in my garden?

Out of the entire yard he chooses my garden almost every time. It is her favorite place to poop.

Why does my dog like to poop in my garden?
I don't think its a big deal if he does unless of course you're like me and you like roses to smell well like dog poop. Just don't let your dog pee in the garden because it kills the plants. I should know too. My dog peed in my flower garden and killed my peonies. Good Luck.
Reply:do you have tall plants? my dog likes his privacy.
Reply:There is an old proverb that says a smart dog never poops in his own yard. My dog goes in the neighbors yard. Guess who has to clean it up.

Maybe your dog wants to keep your yard clean and add fertilizer to the garden. What's the problem?

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