Monday, February 13, 2012

How can I stop my dogs from ruining my garden?

I have two rottweillers and they love to pull my flowers out. What can I do to save my garden

How can I stop my dogs from ruining my garden?
Put a fence around it, a chain link fence, like we did.
Reply:You could try putting an electric fence around your garden or just a regular fence to keep your dog out.
Reply:Tie them and put something in their mouth to shut up or just put a fence around the garden
Reply:Smart doggies!! You need to be firm and say NO! Tell them off and when you come inside do not give them a treat, be very angry and if you have to, put them inside and dont let them have the privilage to be outside. They will soon relize not to do this.
Reply:shoot them.
Reply:put a metal fence around it.
Reply:put a fence around it

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