Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What home made stuff can I use to decorate my garden?

Do you have any idea of what I can use as decoration for my garden- stuff I can easily do or stuff you find around the house?

For example- I have this small case in which I put books and if I empty it and plant something in it, it will look so original.

So, any more ideas?

What home made stuff can I use to decorate my garden?
a simple bottle tree-have some one weld some rebar to look like limbs on a tree stick different colored bottles on them,,,bird bath made from a garbage can lid,,,nailed to the top of a 4x 4 in the ground,,,put some silicone on nail heads to keep it from leaking,,, hub caps stuck in the ground bout half way,,or hanging from a fence or tree,,,old farm plows or tools ,,old shovels with no handles,, painted different colors,,stuck in the ground to form a circle flower bed---2 --5 gallon buckets,,with dirt in em--with a 1 x 12 fasten to top to make a bench,,,paint the buckets,,, that s just a few of the things i have,,i call it called yard art,,some people call it junk--- use your imagination on different objects ,,to see if they look like something else
Reply:Plant an old work boot. Paint a picnic table. How about finding rocks and lining the garden beds? Plant a plastic bag. Put holes in the bag, place plants in the holes and hang on a tree. Only plant the frone. Less money than those bags they sell. Move your house plants out and use them to decorate your patio. Good luck!
Reply:yes....trace your hands on the side of the case and paint it with two differnt colors...one your fav. color....the second....try something in a deeper hue....yours truly sissa~

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