Monday, February 13, 2012

How should I prepare my garden?

I would like to start a small garden and grow tomatoes, peppers and perhaps a couple of other veggies. Kind of a newbie..what is the proper way to turn over a garden? How do you add compost, after it has been turned over or while it is being turned over, mixing it in? I know the basics, pull the weeds, remove rocks, but beyond that not sure what I'm doing. Appreciate any help.

How should I prepare my garden?
Yes mix your compost into your garden bed as you are preparing it. The biggest challenge you will have is spacing your crops properly and preventing rodents (mice, squirrels, raccoons, rats) from dining on your plantings. Get chicken wire and build a sturdy frame around your garden bed. Have fun!
Reply:I would mix it in while turning it over. Look at what your neighbors are doing and don't be afraid to call your local extension service for advice,as well as checking a book or 2 from the library. Tomatoes and peppers are warm weather plants, depending on what zone you are in, getting them out too early offers little advantage as they won't really start shooting up until the soil warms.

That being said, the taste of home grown tomatoes is awesome! Part of the gardening process seems to be learning from our mistakes. I hope you won't make as many as I have. Good luck!
Reply:how gee!!!! your so industrious!growing vegies require a lot of work.The question is.......are you that patient enough to visit them everyday?...there are special kind of compost for different kinds of vegies....or it depends upon the mineral content of the soil.Mine,my soil is rich on that thus i just pull out weeds and trim them 2 x a week.
Reply:Raised Bed Veggie Garden! Also called a no-dig plot. Go organic and you'll thank yourself later. According to, tomatoes is one of the top twelve foods you should always eat organic. And tomatoes are pretty easy to grow. Check out my blog, http://organicgardening-marie.blogspot.c...
Reply:Seeing other peope gardens would give you the idea. But in general therms, you need to make like linear mounds so you walk at the lower part and the plants grow in the upper part. Many seeds must be raised indoors, at least until the plant has a couple of leaves. compoust must be mixed with the soil gradually. Try this website
Reply:Well sit it down first and approach it gently. Bad news is never received well.

Good luck.
Reply:good for you to review...

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