Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I want to grow herbs in my garden window,can I grow garlic on my own with them too?

I've never grown herbs before but we've got this nifty garden window in the kitchen and I want to grow basil, cillantro, oregano, maybe some thyme. First off, are these herbs compatible to grow in close proximity? Secondly, how difficult is it to grow my own garlic? And lastly, can I grow garlic near these herbs in the same garden window?

I want to grow herbs in my garden window,can I grow garlic on my own with them too?
All these herbs are compatible but put them in different pots or they'll try to compete one another out of existence. Garlic is pretty easy to grow but it doesn't seem to taste as strong as supermarket garlic. Just start with one clove and it will sprout green onion-like stalks out the pointy end.
Reply:area sounds to small, garlic takes up a lot of room it gets very tall. as far as the other herbs they are compatilbe
Reply:garlic needs to be planted in the fall in the cold or it will not take root. definitely not a window garden plant. sorry

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