Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What is a good inexpensive edging i can use on my garden to help keep weeds out?

I am obsessive when it comes to weeds in my garden. I have turned the soil many times so it is not a matter of getting the weeds out, it's a matter of keeping them from rooting again around the edges. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

What is a good inexpensive edging i can use on my garden to help keep weeds out?
Go to your local lumber company and see if they have crooked pressure treated 4 by 4's. I got 12 foot long irregular treated 4 by 4's last year for $2 each. The curve worked perfectly for the lay of the land and it is a nice border.
Reply:use edging of some sort, brick if affordable or black plastic which I personally don't like do to the freezing and thawing in Michigan...always moves it around. Anyway, I sometimes will just put a few sheets of newspaper down and cover it with mulch, smothering whatever grass/week is growing there. Works great.
Reply:Monkey grass(mondo grass) It will take a couple of years to fill in but makes a very nice edging.Friends,relatives or neighbors will gladly give you some if you ask.I have a lot of it and give some to people all most every year.
Reply:Another thing you can do also is go to a home depot or similar hardware store and ask an expert.They should give you a good answer.And also have the materials right there that you will need.At a resonable price.
Reply:Spray the perimeter with Roundup once or twice a year...that is what I do.
Reply:put garbage bags or plastyis over it make sure hte plastic is strong

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