Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Does any one know of a good (non harming) way to keep wild rabbits out of the garden?

I find it hard to turn my back on any wild animals but I at the same time like to garden and have discovered the wild rabbits equally like my garden. Is there a humane way to discourage them from entering my garden. I have heard of planting certain flowers to windmills, and cat nip.

Does any one know of a good (non harming) way to keep wild rabbits out of the garden?
I think the only thing that would help would be a little wire fence. Like chicken wire about 2 feet high.

haha dang the poster above beat me to the punch. Oh well.
Reply:Perhaps a fake predetory bird on a perch, possibly motorized so that it moves occasionally. Report It
Reply:At a feed store or even online there are sprays and granuals that keep animals out of your yard or garden. They are not really expensive and are non-toxic.
Reply:chicken wire around your fences is a good way to do it... dig it into the ground to stop the critters coming under
Reply:plastic wire 2 ft high works
Reply:fence = OK but not plastic, rabbits will chew through.

chickenwire works good.

I have a small batch of lettuce every year %26amp; as long as I have marigold flowers close to the lettuce, I never lost a single leaf and my fence had not been up for years either. But this is a small area not a full garden.
Reply:Fencing is the best way to keep rabbits out of your garden without harming them, though denying them the fruits of your labor could bring them harm if they don't have other food sources. You could try trapping them with a no-kill trap and then drive them far away to release them.

If you don't have an aversion to "natural" solutions, large predators, like hungry snakes, will also do the trick.

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