Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How do I make a waist high garden bed?

I would like to design and make my own waist-high garden beds so that when I am older, I don't need to stoop to work in my garden. After searching on the net, I can only find raised beds that are about a foot off the ground. I would like to make permanent beds not needing soil all the way to the ground, out of materials that will not leech chemicals into the soil, and without paying a fortune for supplies. Thanks!

How do I make a waist high garden bed?
when a friend of mine when he got older he used pots to make his garden and it worked out good
Reply:Hi, i recommand you a good and basic tutorial for home and garden. it covers all Issues related to your home, garden and everything around it.

wish it will help you.

Good Luck , Best Wishes!
Reply:Dig some waist deep holes for standing in.
Reply:Lately I've been pondering this same idea and 'Juan' the "smart azz" may be on to something. I've been asked to design a garden for a nursing home and the trustees envision flower beds and maybe a cut flower bed. I'm thinking of wheel chair accessible flower and vegetable beds where people can get there hands dirty. At first I thought about building window boxes on legs but 6 -12 inches of soil won't grow deep rooted veggies and perennials. Now, thanks to your question and Juan's answer I think I have the answer. One foot trenches between one foot raised beds would give a very comfortable working height. The soil dug from the trenches can be mixed with compost to fill the beds. I would use railroad ties and line the edges with plastic to keep the creosote out of the veggies. I love it when a plan comes together!!! RScott

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