Saturday, February 11, 2012

Anything I should do to my future garden area now to get it ready for next year?

I just moved to an old neighborhood and I have an area for a garden of 12 feet by 12 feet area with structures on only the north and east sides. I just built (okay my husband and dad helped), a garden shed with large windows. I would like to grow a garden from seeds early inside. Any suggestion or warnings would be appreciated.

Anything I should do to my future garden area now to get it ready for next year?
if you plow the spot where the garden will be it won't be so much work when the srping rolls around. Also, if you spread hay or manure on it now the ground will have fertilizer already in it to help the plants get a head start. If you intend to grow vegtable seeds inside, make sure you have heat to keep them from getting too cold in early spring.
Reply:Avoid the rattlesnakes and tarantulas...they have nasty bites...
Reply:Saw this- perhaps it'll be of some use...

"Wiggly Worms

- Worms are a healthy garden's best friend. You can add 'Lob' worms to your top soil for deep cultivation and 'Red Dendra' worms to clear up those Autumn leaves in a heart beat, they literally 'pull' the leaves down into the ground so that your lawn and soil absorb all that nutrition! Then the lob worms take all the good bits from the leaves and cultivate them, nice and deep.

"Wiggly Worms Ltd" posts you 1000 Lob worms for deep cultivation %26amp; 1500 Red Dendra worms for top of soil %26amp; lawn clearance organically from your garden. You put them underground to make your soil more fertile.

Lobs %26amp; Red Dendras - from £30.00

Available from "
Reply:I don't know what you mean by getting an early start indoors. Is it in a heated environment? If so, beware. There are some seeds that require chilly air to germinate and others that don't. The back of the seed package would reveal whether it's a "cooler" or "warmer" seed.
Reply:don't use cow poop esp if ur gonna eat it

A question for men

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