Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What is a good name for a garden design company?

I am starting a company to help people design and refresh their gardens and landscapes.? My services will include planning out their garden, helping them select plants at the nursery, and then helping them keep their yard green and healthy.? I'm thinking of a name with

"-- Scenes" or "-- Scapes" in it, but I'm open to any ideas.? I am near the coast and specialize in plants that do well there. I love the name Gardenscapes but it is already taken.? Thanks much!

What is a good name for a garden design company?

I am a landscaper and designer. I have had a business for over eight years. When you create the name of your business, think of your own personality and how it can reflect on your clients. You live near the coast and are in a sub - tropical or tropical setting. Coastal Gardening may be a thought as well of Garden Scences By The Sea, Tropical Paradise Through Gardening, Gardening With Tropical Plants, Creating Coastal Gardens, or Coastal Gardenscapes.

These are just a few that come to mind. Take some words that reflect your area and spend some time playing with the different words. Put some good thought about what your clients would like. This is what I did with my off line business as well as my on line business. I will link you to the tropics section of my website. Browse through as you may find something that may help you. Good luck to you and if I can be of any other help, let me know! Have a great day!


Reply:Thanks for picking "Coastal Gardenscapes" ...

I suggested it first.

I knew you liked Gardenscapes, so adding Coastal to the name fit since you specialized in plants that do well there.

Good luck! Report It
Reply:Thanks so much for the ideas! I put the vote out to my friends, and the winner is...

*** Gardenscapes by Claudia ***

Thanks again! Report It
Reply:Coastal Landscapes
Reply:For Bloomin' Scapes!
Reply:Perfect Scenes of Nature
Reply:Harvest Out door Serices?

Rainbow Garden Architects?
Reply:What about GardenEscapes, YardScaping, Yardscapes, Plantscaping, CoastalScapes, CoastalEscapes, GreenScapes or GreenScenes. I'm running out of idea's for right now. Hope you like one and lots of luck.
Reply:How about

Garden Scenes

Coastal GardenScenes

Coastal Gardenscapes

Coastal Scenes N Scapes

Scenes N Scapes

Scapes N Scenes

Coastal Scapes

Coastal Scenes

Scenery and Greenery

The Landscape Escape

The Green Scene

Scenes and Scents
Reply:Landscapes Beyond

First Scenery

Garden Oasis

Good Luck
Reply:Where does your garden grow?

Growing UP

Planting Seeds

Harvest Scenes or Scapes

Firmly Planted on the Ground

Totally Grounded

Something catchy so it will be different.


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