Saturday, February 11, 2012

What do I do and will this hurt my garden ?

I planted my first garden this year and I am very excited about it I look at it everyday . I started the garden in my backyard in what I call a perfect spot . But my neigbors who are elderly used to sneak back there and plant when we were not home and we never said anything because we never really caught them in the act .. Well now they are throwing food in my garden like apples oranges watermelon . I am getting angry .I dont know what to do ? will it ruin my garden?

What do I do and will this hurt my garden ?
actually, it's probably good. look up compost! the nutrients of the fruits could be good for the soil.
Reply:The actual fruit itself won't, but the fruit will attract insects that could be harmful. Your neighbors are a**holes, I would call the cops %26amp; at least make a report of the fact that they are vandalizing your property, that way if they do catch them in the act one day, it has already been documented %26amp; your neighbors will be in big trouble then. Good Luck!!
Reply:What peculiar neighbors! Well, I too, just started my first garden, and it certainly is a bit nerve wracking at first. I feel like a proud mama, and am a bit over protective, too.

I'm not sure if your neighbors are just throwing food back there, or actually planting food, but if they're simply throwing scraps into your garden, it could actually be beneficial. Like humans, plans need vitamins and minerals to help them grow, and those food scraps could definitely help fertilize the soil. If that's the case, why not start a compost bin (you can buy them fairly cheaply or make your own) and encourage your neighbors to throw their food scraps in there rather than into your garden directly. In a compost bin, you basically layer food scraps and soil, and eventually, once the food breaks down, you have amazingly healthy soil and you're not adding to a landfill.

If they're actually planting apples and oranges, is there any way you could set aside a small plot of your garden and invite your neighbors to plant a few vegetables there? If they're elderly, it might be a nice, relaxing thing for them to do.

Well, happy gardening!
Reply:no it would help it they are giving you free mulch 4 your garden and you might have a watermelon to come up from what they are doing so no worry
Reply:Put soil over the "gifts" and they will rot into the garden and fertilize it for you. Encourage it. You might also want to start a small compost pile nearby and add you trimmings, egg shells, coffee grinds, anything organic. Then you could ask them to put their "gifts" in the compost.
Reply:Your going to end up having wild unidentified watermelons and oranges sprouting and god knows what else..I would ask them to quit politely first...Plus I would not allow someone to just come to my garden and plant something I dont want in there..having odd plants drowning out the other and robbing it of nutrients that it needs..alot of plants are not good companions for other plants as well and can actually harm the garden if you mix bad companions around each other..ask them ONCE nicely..if they doon't obey have the local police give them a warning..


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