Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What can I use to repel dogs from crapping in my garden?

I am tired of arriving home afterwork to find a fresh pile of feces in my garden. I was told there is a product you can purchase and spray that will keep pets off your lawn. Has anyone heard of this? Any suggestions. I have already tried to fish out the pet doing it but all my neighbor's are SURE it's not there dog. I am willing to go as far a to put something lethal down there if i have to. I LOATHE cleaning up dog shi%$!

What can I use to repel dogs from crapping in my garden?
ughm i think i would crap in your yard to if i was this dog
Reply:First off you don't want to poison an innocent animal. They don't know any better.

I have a garden and a large dog. I place 2 ft. chicken wire around the outside edge of my garden. This deters him from wandering into the garden.

As for your neighbors dogs, I don't know where you live, but here in Upstate NY where I am from there is a leash law. If you know that your neighbors dogs are wandering the neighborhood un-attended, report them to the local athorities, they will fine these people until they can be responsable for what their dogs are doing.

Mine is confined to his yard by a fence all around. that is the responsable way to curb a dog.

Good Luck.
Reply:Same question was asked about cats and this is the advice I gave....

This modern take on the trusty scarecrow could bring some relief.

The ScareCrow is basically a sprinkler with a built-in motion detector that connects to a garden hose and can be set up anywhere on your property you want protected from the wildlife. When the motion sensor detects an animal it will fire a startling burst of water back and forth for a few seconds scaring off the intruder and hopefully convinces them to never return. The ScareCrow uses only about 2-3 cups of water per deterrence and will protect and cover an area of about 1200 sq. ft. It operates for up to 6 months on a single 9-volt battery and is currently available for about $80.
Reply:I've had the same problem and knew who the dog was, but the owners didn't care. Fortunately they moved.

If there is a leash law in your town I'd call and let them know there are loose dogs around.

If not, I've used mothballs effectively for cats using my garden as a litter box.

Call local pet stores to see if there is something specific for dogs.

Last resort is a fence of some sort. Good luck.
Reply:We have a leash law in my county. You can call the dog catcher and get the people that own the dog in trouble.

Don't kill the dog because that could get you in trouble.
Reply:Their are products on the market but none are any good as soon as it rains they are nueterlised.Thorny sticks around the affected area sometimes works but is not allways practicle.Atemporary wire fence may be your option.But keep all your options legal:ie no poison.
Reply:There are products available in most hardware/gardening centers that will discourage animals but are not harmful to them. One brand (don't know if they are still in business) is Hoffman.
Reply:Put out a dog dish full of dog food and rat poison. I guarentee, the dog won't be back and the person who lets their dogs run free will learn a lesson.
Reply:BB gun will work wonders.

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