Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to effectively/easily kill weeds in my garden?

My garden hasn't been cared for in nearly a year. Its been overgrown with weeds and unwanted plants. How do I get rid of them quickly? (I have started pulling the weeds up, but its taking forever!) How do I make sure they never grow back? (I used chemicals last year, but it doesn't seem to work.) Thanks for any suggestions!

How to effectively/easily kill weeds in my garden?
Several suggestions for weeds

1. Use mulch: it will help prevent weeds as well as provide many other benefits.

2. Create a canopy of plants. Use groundcovers and other plants to help keep the sun from reaching the soil.

3. Use garden pre-emergents such as preen before weeds emerge. Use once every couple of months. This has been shown to really help as it is similar to lawn pre-emergent but is labeled for garden beds.

4. Use "over the top" for weeds that are close to shrubs and ornamentals. This product "Over the Top" can be sprayed on weeds without damage to most ornamental plants.

5. For weeds that are not close to shrubs and ornamentals use a non-selective post emergent herbicide containing glyphosate or similar chemical. If drift from the sprayer contacts wanted plants this will kill them, so be careful. Ex. Round-Up.

6. If the first 5 methods did not help with your weeds, its time to pull them by mechanical methods such as hand pulling, spading, etc.

Good luck.
Reply:roundup sucks... pull weeds.. lol
Reply:I use Spectracide, it works overnight, unlike roundup which believes in slow torture. Also try putting black landscape fabric(not plastic) over everything (weeds) then mulch, wait, then make holes for plants just large enough to give them space, water will go through the fabric. you can buy landscape nails that hold the fabric to the ground. They are like regular nails but not as sharp and longer.
Reply:good tiller. and a hoe
Reply:roundup chemicals pulling them up fertilizer and they still come back it si called nature sorry!!!!
Reply:I agree...Round up works the best for me. It takes only 24 hours to kill weeds. Unfortunately, I don't think you can keep weeds from growing back. It's a continual process of spraying and pulling.
Reply:sorry, for the bad news, but you will need to use the weedkiller every year!Late autum or early spring

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