Saturday, February 11, 2012

How do I keep birds out of my garden?

These birds keep taking moss that I lay down in my garden. I guess they use it for their nests. I know a couple ways to keep them out, but I want to know the cheapest most effective solution to this problem.

How do I keep birds out of my garden?
Rubber/toy snakes randomly placed. Chunks of black hose will work also.

Aluminum pie pans left to dangle on a string from a pole will sometimes work.
Reply:birds tend to shy away from reflective materials and things that move. If birds are attacking your tomato plants, you might want to erect a few stakes around them and dangle some streamers of shiny plastic ribbon or flash tape. Some people also have good luck with those large balloons featuring scary eyes. the key to controlling birds in the garden is to find ways to keep them away before they get into the habit of visiting your garden daily as part of their feeding routine. No Single product is likely to remain effective for long term. You're better off employing a number of tactics, like scarecrows, netting and CDs and rotating them every three or four days. If a specific variety of bird is the primary pest (blackbird, starling etc ) I believe there are products designed to scare-off specific species. Be sure to keep any devices you're not using out of site so the birds do not become accustomed to them.
Reply:The only one that is effective and doesn't involve poison is buying a plastic hawk or other preditor.

Don't buy a stationary one - buy one that has its wings open and is attached to your roof or a tall pole/tree.

The birds react to the shadow of the preditor - so get that hawk shadow cast i your garden and it should do the trick.

Even a plastic cut out should do - move its location frequently for improved effect.
Reply:A cheap solution without harming the birds would be to go out and buy a plastic pool owl. I mean, it doesn't have to be a pool one, but usually it prevents birds and ducks from taking a dip! I'm not sure what they are they really work. All you have to be sure to do is rotate the owl every other day or so. This will prevent the birds from figuring out that it is fake and landing on it. I guess any animal will do, but the owl really worked.

Good luck! Hope I helped.
Reply:i dont know whether you do or not but if you put food out they may be attracted to it eg a bird table

also see if any of your neighbours have and ask them to move it away from your garden or something

if this doesnt work that i think you can buy some sort of chemical that will keep them away

good luck :)

ps try getting a cat :)
Reply:Birds tend to shy away from reflective materials and things that move. The key to controlling birds in the garden is to finds ways to keep them away before they get into the habit of visiting your garden daily as part of their feeding routine.

You can read more in this link:
Reply:A company called Dalen makes netting to help keep birds out of gardens. You can find it at most local Garden centers. It's called Bird-X netting and comes in various sizes. Other that that it's just the fake Owls or Hawks.
Reply:My mother in law uses a plastic owl and she's had success with it. She moves it around every once in a while for "real" effect.

Some people use scarecrows or those granny fannies (the wooden things that look like a butt sticking up in the air). Good luck!
Reply:Do you have a pet? Mabey if you leave it out for awhile

it will scare the birds and they'll leave and know not to come back. And they'll tell other birds don't come on the terretory.

I'm glad I helped please reply and tell me if it worked
Reply:if you keep putting moss down...they will keep coming %26amp; yes they do use it for their nests...if there is no moss %26amp; no food - they'll stop coming.

i love the birds in my garden...i do everything to encourage them...funny how we are all so different eh?!
Reply:Apparently if you have some old cds put them on string and hang somewhere the noise and the light tend to scare them off - or so i have been told anyway

Good Luck!!!
Reply:Put a scarecrow, it works for other birds too.
Reply:get a cat

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