Saturday, February 11, 2012

Any helpful ideas what to do about cats defecating in my garden?

I can't get a cat of my own because I'm allergic to them but I have a garden full of cat poo and its really disgusting having to clear it up all the time and its only a matter of time before one of my kids falls over into it. Anyone have any tried and tested methods of deterring cats from choosing my garden as their toilet?

Any helpful ideas what to do about cats defecating in my garden?
Two ideas....

Go to your greengrocers and get some oranges/lemons/limes that are going out of date. You can usually get them cheap or even free. Cut them into pieces and put them around the flower beds. Cats hate the smell of citrus so will usually keep away and its a nice non chemical way to do it. You will have to refresh them though.

Second idea is to half fill plastic bottles with water and lie them on their side in the flower beds. I dont know why that works but it seems to. Doesnt look very nice though!
Reply:orange peel or land mines, they'll only do it once then
Reply:Get a couple of mouse traps, the ones that snap shut, bait it with chicken skin and leave it where they come. It will give it a right good smack but wont hurt it. Now leave pieces of wood the same size, shape and colour all around and you wont see cats again.
Reply:We recently had the same problem. We sprinkled curry powder and have not seen the cat back since. Hopefully with all that curry powder, the cat will be doing it in his on back yard and hes got the trots off the curry powder. But seriously, it does work.
Reply:animals dont like strong smells like vicks or pinesol try putting steaks rubed with vicks or other really strong smelling stuff on them this might work for 2 or 3 days depending on what you use.
Reply:Cats always cover up their mess so your kids shouldn't fall in it.Cats are free spirits and can go where they like so maybe if there is something left in your garden you'll have to pick it up with a plastic bag.Try citrus fruits they don't like that but they'd need to be replaced often.Maybe if you scare the cats off by clapping your hands and shouting they will get the message after a few times.
Reply:if its possible get your self a doggy, they r cuddly and cute and will chase that darn cat away or buy a water sprinkler they hate getting wet or chuck a bucket oh water over it if u catch in your garden.
Reply:You can buy a device that emits a sound (very high frequency, humans cannot hear it) that will deter cats.

Google "cat deterrent".
Reply:Why would you want to do that? Animal poo helps plants grow. it's very nutrient rich. If you find it disgusting, don't have a garden.

same principle as compost. decomposes into a very rich soil that your garden will love.

As for the kids, they'll be okay. Kids have good immune systems, having too clean environment is accually bad for them. If they're exposed to cats at this age, they won't develop those allergies you have.
Reply:Buy a water pistol every time you see the cat let it have a blast of water cats hate it and will soon keep away , don't worry it won't hurt them.
Reply:olbis oil on tea bags spead them round the garden.they will sniff them then go and **** in another garden .good luck.
Reply:orange peel cats hate the smell of it and wont go near it

get a fake model cat with shiny eyes cats in your garden see that as a threat and wont go near it
Reply:My neighbour has used the high-frequency deterrant to keep cats out of her garden for years (she has guinea pigs and doesn't want the cats near them).

Cats love dry ground, e.g gravel. You could try soaking the regular spots. They also like clear ground, so the trick is to plant densly (you might need to protect young plants with netting).
Reply:get a dog or check link below for products designed to help.
Reply:Put pepper down in your garden - it won't hurt them but it should keep them away
Reply:Apparently mothballs are supposed to deter them. It wouldnt hurt to try it, scatter them inthe area that the cats are using.

Alternatively, if you know who the cats belong to bag the mess up and dump it in the owners garden.

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