Friday, January 27, 2012

What is the best way to store vegetables from the garden so they will last the longest?

We have been picking our own vegetables straight from the garden this year (our first time planting one). I am not sure how to store them until we are ready use them. We have alot of cilantro, parsley, green beans, peas, green onions, etc. Any hints on making them last after they are picked?

What is the best way to store vegetables from the garden so they will last the longest?
the herbs you can wrap in damp paper towels and store them in the fridge the rest you can freeze or can.
Reply:Have you heard of canning? or freezing? Kerr and Mason puts out a book you can buy at walmart that tells you how.Or,you can buy a food dryer and dehydrate some items.
Reply:Refridgerate them in ventilated plastic bags. Make sure your fridge is a bit colder than usual temper. If not, freeze those suckers. Its like a morg for veggies--they last longer until you want to digest them :)
Reply:I would think you dry them under the sun (if it's cilantro, parsley, green onions) and them vacuum pack them.

Dried up green beans doesn't sound too appealing however.
Reply:you can just use the herbs as you need them

the beans, peas, onions are harder to store. the tupperware fridge containers actually do work, they have little vents at the end to change the moisture and air depending on the type of veggie. also really good is 'peak fresh' bags, we get them from amway in australia, i kept a lettuce fresh in one for 2 whole weeks once. otherwise blanch and freeze, blanching keeps them green.
Reply:Vacum sealed wrap is the best if you have one of those machines, but if you do not use Glad press and seal, regular or freezer. Zip lock type bags are good if you can squeeze or suck all the air out.
Reply:wrap them in old newspapers to stay their freshness longer, then store in fridge

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