Friday, January 27, 2012

How do I prevent a neighbourhood cat from using my garden as a toilet?

I never see the animal. Only the residue of his/her visit. I therefore need something to deter it from visiting my garden rather than something to scare it off if I see it. (So a water pistol type deterent will not work unfortunately.)

How do I prevent a neighbourhood cat from using my garden as a toilet?
Mothballs, bury then just underneath the soil. Cats hate them.
Reply:I found just the thing
Reply:There are supposed to be high sound emitters that will drive off the cats but I do not think you can prove without buying.
Reply:Cats dislike the smell of citrus so if you can plant some citrus smelling plants they may stay away. You can also buy some citronella spray but will need to do it every time it rains. You could save some orange and lemon peel. Eucalyptus oil works too.
Reply:Turn your garden into a lavish cat death trap that mauls the souls of innocent cats and uses them to ferilize your flowers.
Reply:I dunno' I have tried everything, I even bought one of those Sonic cat scarers that emit a noise that humans can't hear but that scare cats away, I'm looking out of my window, and yes, next doors cat is sitting just in front of it licking it's ----

I've also tried most repellents, so I now have a cunning plan, I will make friends with the cats, stroke them and then when they are not looking, I'll grab them and put them in a box and release them 20 miles away, do you think that would work?
Reply:I tried everything to keep our wandering neighborhood cat from using my container garden as his litter box, cayenne pepper, mustard powder, chili powder, mothballs, coyote urine, human hair clippings and nothing worked. Then I found this stuff called Repell in a spray bottle for $1.99 that did the trick. I found it at WalMart in the pet aisle and only used it about 2-3 times spraying it as a border around my yard and container plants. He stopped dead in his tracks at the "border" I created and eventually moved on to another neighbors yard. The only thing is that if you have automatic sprinklers, you have to re-apply after it gets wet.
Reply:snap i got same problem lets hope we get a useful answer.
Reply:my neighbour had this problem, he bought a high noise frequency 'cat scarer' the sound isn't detectable to humans but the cats hate it. Does seem to help. Perhaps you could try searching for 'cat scarers' on your website. Good luck.
Reply:Lemon as cats hate the smell or invest in a rifle
Reply:Go mark the territory as yours the same way the cat is marking it as his.
Reply:Here is a link with some suggestions.
Reply:you can buy a cat scaring device that lets out a hight pitched sound constantly that humans cant hear. If you place this in your garden cats will keep well away as they will be able to hear this uncomfortable noise before they get to your garden. Not sure where you can buy them from though. Hope this helps.
Reply:lots of reppelant on market now try them where it goes but they do like to make a habit of using the same place .
Reply:There are several methods. Human hair sometimes does the trick. Get a few clippings from your barber and spread them along the ground. Human urine supposedly works too--I think you know what you do for that. They also make a dog and cat repellent. It comes in powder form and you sprinkle it around your house. My aunt has problems with all kinds of animals, and she uses bars of soap. The only thing with soap is it is harmful to your plants. The only other suggestion I have is a pellet gun--it won't kill the cat, but it won't come back either!
Reply:Here,s something that actually works, oranges or lemon skins as cats dont like citrus smells, i have a cat myself and she goes into everyones garden to poop, nothing we can do but i told one neighbour of mine to put the skins down around plants and its worked, so give it a shot see what happens, lol.
Reply:moth balls on your beds! it works.
Reply:Sprinkle hot curry powder around your garden - the smell drives them away
Reply:leave half filled 2 litre drinks bottles(ie with water) lying around your gardes. Cats don't like the reflections and stay away.
Reply:Just talk to ur neighbour ... or buy a dog
Reply:Put a shocking wire around your garden, that'll keep all intruders away.
Reply:i no this one. buy a cat to gaurd ur garden obviously a trained one and it will rip up th intrudr cat then it wont have the legs to visit agen.or a dog??
Reply:put a trap in your garden to catch the cat then eat it
Reply:if you live near a zoo or safari park. or some big garden centres. you can buy lion poo in pellets. spread them around your garden. the cat will not come back.

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