Friday, January 27, 2012

I have a small area of garden that is paved over and am wanting to grass seed it in the Autumn. Please could?

anybody advise on the depth of topsoil needed for grass seeding and any simple drainage suggestions (other parts of garden are very well drained). Also, i have never seede a garden before so any tips would be appreciated.

I have a small area of garden that is paved over and am wanting to grass seed it in the Autumn. Please could?
Hi Jessica.

You'd be surprised at how little top soil grass will grow in. The issue is having enough top soil to retain enough moisture in the summer to stop the grass drying out and dying.

6 inches are possibly the minimum. If you have soil under the patio then just dig it over, wack it back down when you've dug it over with the back of the spade or fork and then do the funny pigeon step walk over it consolidating it down again. Rake it over to a fine tilth (bread crumb like or slightly bigger) then get a handful of seed and sling it like you would skim a stone on the water, repeat seeding until you've covered the whole area and rake it in again. You might find this easier with the back of a rake, I prefer the back of a leaf rake.

If you want a good book on the in depth details. Then this book is well worth a read. This one is a penny plus postage, but you could probably borrow it from the library. It gives all the details that you will want and more!

Lastly, I always use more seed than is recommended on the box.

Hope you have an excellent lawn next year. All the best.
Reply:If the area of pavement isn't that large like you say, the best way to do the job is to do it right %26amp; break up the pavement which shouldn't be that deep as long as there wasn't layer after layer put on. If there is already grass growing between cracks start there and see how soft it is. Use a nice heavy wedge / splitter and a sledge hammer or you might be able to get away w/ a 2lb. hammer. Next option if money isn't an issue hire a backhoe or what you decide is needed for the job, however you don't need over kill to do the job. Usually the bigger the machine the more the rental will be. Then level it off with the soil mix you want.
Reply:If your going to plant grass will have to cover it with a fine mesh net because the birds will eat the seeds. It would be better to lay turf.
Reply:Please see my answer to "how do you lay turf (grass)?"

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